Saturday, August 16, 2008

Routine Me

We've always wanted to order something by making it into a verb (e.g., "Burger me" as shown in the former television dramedy, "Ed," or "Beer me" in commercials now.) So with that in mind, we now say, "Routine me." The Olympics have added some flavor to our lives. Though not nearly a match to Michael Phelps's 10,000 calorie, 5-mile swim, press conference, drug test routine, we have a bit of a routine that fills our days:

Work. Run. Eat. Sleep. Repeat.

Despite the seeming monotony of that description, a funny thing happened to us on the way. We started to love running, and for the first time in our lives. Kinnier might say that he has a case of the "the runs" if it did not already mean something else. Years of running, including for cross-country and other sports seasons, lacked that love.

Today we ran nine (9) miles. To be honest, it does not seem far at all and the time goes very quickly in our pace group. (It's quite a change from almost exactly two (2) months ago on June 15. On that day, we ran nine (9) miles, which was a new long distance at the time, and coincidentally started this blog.) We have experimented a bit recently running long distances on our own. We have realized first hand that the group atmosphere and team conversation really adds to the fun. We have a lot to be thankful for, including our running partners and even extreme luck with the August weather.

So we triumphantly declare that we don't like running -- we love it.

Distance: 9.0 miles
Start Time: 7:15 a.m.
Time: 1:46:16
Temperature at Start: 66 degrees
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Maximum HR: 155
Average HR: 138
Money Raised to Date: $5,610
Days until Race: 58

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