Monday, August 11, 2008

18 Revisited

We provided our initial thoughts on our eighteen (18) miles in the post from Sunday (immediately below). Twenty-four (24) hours later, we are doing fine. The last couple of miles running against the wind were definitely challenging for Kinnier, perhaps second only to the climb up Kilimanjaro. Jennifer acknowledged fatigue, but as the leader of the pack, she was doing better. Collectively, we feel tired, but good, today.

George Burns made this song famous and the following lyrics seem particularly appropriate today:

At a bar down in Dallas an old man chimed in,
And I thought he was out of his head.
Just being a young man I just laughed it off
When I heard what that old man had said.
He said, "I'll never again turn the young ladies heads,
Or go running off into the wind.
I'm three quarters home from the start to the end.
And I wish I was eighteen again."
With that in mind, we now sing:

We used to have trouble making time for the gym.
We'd rather watch tv and pray to stay slim.
I'd never have thought that we'd run more than ten,
But we wish we ran eighteen (18) again.

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