Thursday, August 14, 2008

Not Just Any 5K

We have many 5Ks to celebrate today. Jennifer ran an easy 5K+ on her own and Kinnier ran a 5K charity race, the Race Judicata, which his firm runs/walks to benefit Chicago Volunteer Legal Services. The Race Judicata serves beer and wine too. If it's there, it would be wasteful not to consume it. Some really did their part. There were also a lot of snacks such as Krispy Kreme donuts, cookies, chips and guacamole, and fruit.

The Race Judicata confirmed what Kinnier already suspected, that he cannot pace himself and does not like running on his own. He ran the first mile in under 8:30. It was faster than he wanted to go and he did not finish as strongly as he hoped. He drank too much water at the station at 1.5 miles and after running too hard, he did not feel so great. With his heart racing reaching an all-time high (see below), he decided to take a short walk break. Frank, one of Kinnier's colleagues, caught up with him during that walk and really lifted Kinnier's spirits. Kinnier started to run at a good pace. He ultimately finished the race with a good time, even without sprinting the home stretch as he ran in with Frank. After the race, he ended consuming much more than he burned: a Goose Island 312, three (3) donuts, a large cookie with icing, three (3) servings of tortilla chips with guacamole, and a hot pretzel.

There is another 5K that is even more more important and more exciting. We broke $5,000 in funds raised yesterday. Two people most recently donated to get us above that threshhold, and coincidentally, they both are fitting: Eric, the firm's team captain for the Race Judicata, and Marty, our financial adviser, who has been helping us make money grow for years. Obviously, all of our supporters from every level from "Number 1 Fans" to the "Booster Club" has helped us get to this point. We have also received a lot of emotional support during our training, for example, on day one from Merlin, the first donor and a serious marathoner, to Frank during the race today. We've got a while to go before $8,500, but we are really excited about the support we have received and the generosity of our friends and family.

Statistics: Distance: 3.1 miles
Start Time: 6:30 p.m.
Time: 28:12 (8:21/9:35/9:21/0:54)
Temperature at Start: 74 degrees
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Maximum HR: 184
Average HR: 172
Money Raised to Date: $5,085
Days until Race: 61

1 comment:

peter said...

That's a very respectable 5K, good job! You've broken the 30 minute barrier, the sky's the limit. What's not to like about beer and donuts for a training regieme?