Sunday, August 3, 2008

Easy Eight

While Kinnier loves Paul Thomas Anderson's debut film, Hard Eight, we are happy to report that today's "recovery run" was an easy eight. Having run sixteen miles last week, we discussed the run of "only eight miles" somewhat in disbelief that we said "only" without any sarcasm. Jennifer had another great run. She led the pace group at times and never had any problems.

In contrast, as the days pass, Kinnier (or at least his body) is constantly adjusting. Fortunately, the knee pain that he got on Kilimanjaro and which recurred right before July 4 appears to be gone. The discomfort migrated from his left leg to his right foot earlier in the week, near his arch. Kinnier monitored it during today's run, and the condition was okay. However, he planted awkwardly during mile seven (7) and felt some strain, again in his left leg but in a different location, which continued for the rest of the day. It's likely another minor, and temporary, injury. Basically, just another day at the office.

We, especially Kinnier, will rest up for a couple of days for our weekday maintenance runs and look forward to running eighteen (18) miles next Sunday. Still, with eight (8) miles being so easy, we might just have to wait for our next trip to Vegas if we want to hit eight the hard way. On second thought as we type this, maybe not. Eight (8) miles will become hard this coming weekend, as any parent will tell you, when it becomes a "teen."

Distance: 8.0 miles
Start Time: 7:11 a.m.
Time: 1:36:51
Temperature: 72 degrees
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Maximum HR: 155
Average HR: 135
Money Raised to Date: $4585
Days until Race: 72

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