Thursday, June 19, 2008


Update from CKL:

As background, my typical training schedule includes three runs a week.

Long runs on Sunday (this coming Sunday for 10 miles).
Short runs on Tuesday and Thursday (usually between 4.0 and 4.5 miles).
When time and energy allows, a separate workout on Friday.
On some, but not quite most, Mondays, I play softball on the Legal Aid Chicago team (as an officer of the Chicago Bar Foundation junior board).
Tuesday and Friday usually include some light strength training.
(During the week, Jennifer and I sometimes workout separately.)

My schedule has been extremely tight during the past couple of weeks, and this week, I was forced to postpone my Tuesday run to Wednesday. However, on Wednesday, I attended a work function. I had planned to stay until 8 p.m., but the reception lasted longer than I expected. I enjoyed the reception and had a couple of cocktails named Hot Sauce. The Hot Sauce is similar to a bloody mary and served right to the brim in a martini glass. The menu at the Fulton Lounge describes the drink:

Spicy and sassy is this potent blend of olive juice, tabasco, worchester, tomato juice, Guinness and Absolut Pepper. Served in a lemon, salt, pepper and celery salt rimmed glass and garnished with bleu cheese olives.
It also came with a lime wedge. It is salty (in a good way) and a little spicy. The olives are some of the best I have ever had. I had previously enjoyed the drink during my last visit in December 2007 so I stuck with it last night. In part I figured that it was almost like drinking a V-8, so it would actually be healthful and promote my training. I also drank water in addition to the few cocktails during the reception. Fortunately, I had eaten something at the office before the reception including a lot of blueberries courtesy of Nick.

Early in the evening, some had heard about my plans to run that night. Some were surprised/impressed by the apparent dedication. Some doubted that I would run, and as the minutes passed 8 p.m., 8:30 p.m. and so on, I began to have my doubts too. While I did not stay until the end, I left at 9:15 p.m. I took a cab home, enjoying a liter of water that I had packed in my Nalgene bottle in anticipation. After I got home, I had a few bites to eat, changed quickly, and ran out the door. While I did not run more than 4 miles, as I typically do, I am glad that I got the run in. After I got home, I stretched while I ate a bit more. Then I showered and went to bed early enough to comply with the 6 a.m. alarm. I felt good this morning and was glad to have gone.

Distance: 3.25 miles
Start Time: 9:42 p.m.
Time: 30:31
Maximum HR: 144
Average HR: 135
Money Raised to Date: $1085
Days until Race: 116
CKL Weight: 151.5 lbs

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