Monday, June 23, 2008

Double Ds

Not Daredevil, Double Dare, or a reference to the size of apparel. We hit double-digit mileage. We ran 10 miles last Sunday morning. Like the big birthdays that end in zero, this run was more special as our first time into that realm of long distance.

Our pace group had some new additions last weekend. The three had switched from the Saturday group run for various reasons, but they immediately agreed that the Sunday runners seemed more casual and relaxed. From what we hear, the Saturday runners are hardcore and very strict. Fortunately, we have not had to experience their Gestapo (or Don'tstopo or some more clever pun) tactics. Kinnier tried to assure them that at least the rest of our pace group was full of nice, friendly people. He further agreed that it made sense that so many in our pace group were relaxed since it fit with the whole Amsterdam theme.

We ran along the lakefront from Foster Avenue (our weekly starting point) south, to just past the North Avenue bridge and then back up. It rained on us for a little while, but the precipitation was light and cooled us nicely. The temperature warmed up quickly once the sun broke through, and we had missed the drizzle.

Kinnier tried Clif Shot Blocs for only the second time and Jennifer tried them for the first. We had the Cran-Razz flavor. Unlike the salty flavor of the margarita ones Kinnier had last week, this one actually tasted like a gummi bear. Future purchases will definitely include those. They wash down well with water and really gave us a boost during miles 6 through 9.

Distance: 10.0 miles
Start Time: 7:18 a.m.
Time: 1:51:16
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Maximum HR: 159
Average HR: 136
Money Raised to Date: $1385
Days until Race: 112
CKL Weight: 150.0 lbs

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