Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Now We're Cooking

Last night, after a long condo association meeting, we still managed to do squeeze in a 35-minute maintenance run and to bake for a fundraiser bake sale at Kinnier's office. We have been going to bed a bit later than usual during the last few days, so we were much more tired than usual. Much like baking, training is about the process. We'll take the so-so run in stride. (Why do the running puns keep coming up?)

We baked a vanilla cheesecake and a pan of cornbread and will bake oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and cupcakes tonight for sale on Thursday. The cheesecake recipe was from the December 1998 issue of Martha Stewart Living, Kinnier's first issue of approximately five (5) years of issues. The cornbread recipe was from Kinnier's brother, K.C./Br. Philip. It's a cross between corncakes and cornbread, a little cakey, with real corn, and originated from Kinnier's brother's brother, who is neither Kinnier nor a non-existent brother of Kinnier. It's K.C.'s/Br. Philip's fraternity brother, Julio, who actually got it from his mother. (And yes, he has heard the joke about being "down by the schoolyard.") Were you able to keep that straight?

Kinnier was going to start the bake sale near lunch time, but in the morning, one of Kinnier's colleagues, Nick, requested a slice of cheesecake to go with his coffee. Because a second person entering the break room also wanted to buy, Kinnier started the bake sale early. The cheesecake sold so quickly, that it was gone before he could leave the room. Because of our time crunch Tuesday night, we did not fully monitor the short run to enable the statistics. We do have statistics from the bake sale, which is ongoing. A wonderful surprise has been the number of people who have suggested keeping the change over the suggested prices for the baked goods. Diana in particular has extra luminescence from her halo.

Official Bake Sale Start Time: 9:18 a.m.
No. of Servings: 12 Cornbread, 12 Cheesecake
Time until cheesecake sold out: 0:16:00 (estimated)
Time until cornbread sold out: TBD
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Bake Sale Proceeds: $82 and counting
Money Raised to Date: $3,022

On Thursday, we will sell the cookies and cupcakes. (Thanks, Chrissie, for the cupcake suggestion.)

As you will see, we have reason to celebrate. We reached a new threshold of donations, passing the $3,000 mark. We want to give a special thanks to David Gee of the Chicago Bar Foundation ( for putting us over that hump yesterday. His generosity and the generosity of everyone in the Team They Might Be Runners are really inspiring. We've got a long way to go though and will continue working. Thanks to everyone. We won't let you down.


deirdre maeve said...

I will testify that everything was delish...I had the cornbread and cheesecake yesterday. Also, had the cookies but shared my cupcake with Pete. The look on his face suggests that it was equally yummy to the other goodies!! Great idea having a bake sale fundraiser!!!! What's for tomorrow!?!?!?!

Billy Joe Mills said...


I hope this bake sale wasn't intended to prey on the chubby summer associate who has no regard for the nutrition of what he eats. Regardless, the cornbread and the oatmeal chocolate chip cookies were delightful. Instead of being a lawyer, you should consider baking full-time.

Good luck,