Sunday, July 20, 2008

City of Brotherly Love

Update from CKL:
There was a wedding this past weekend near Philadelphia, the City of Brotherly Love. Jennifer was unable to go for the weekend, but the rest of my family was there. We stayed with one of my cousins, Shiela, and her husband, Jon, across the river in New Jersey. First thing on Friday morning, they had a nice morning jog running about 3 miles. At 7 am, it was still quite cool.

We ran a few laps in the suburban subdivision and enjoyed the limited scenery, basically three different types of homes in a range of colors. Running with the family was fun and served as a small preview of the half marathon that all of us will be running together in February 28, 2009. Jennifer and I figure that it should be no problem at this point. We have already run fourteen (14) miles and will run even farther within the week.

Although our paces were totally different, running with my brother and parents was wonderful. Jennifer was the only thing missing, and it was a long weekend without her. The Cowtown Half Marathon should be very special when all of us try together. My headmaster/form master will also be running the race, but he'll be doing an ultra marathon.

After the weekend in Philly, my brother and I took a bus to NYC. During the ride, we enjoyed a film that my brother had downloaded, Saint Ralph. I had not realized that my brother had brought it on his iPod nano because it fit the theme of our training. Released in 2005, it was a funny and touching coming-of-age film about a high school boy in a Catholic prep school who tries to win the Boston Marathon, thus performing a miracle. I had never heard of it, but I really enjoyed it and was moved by the story. I won't ruin the major plot points or the ending, but I would recommend it. Campbell Scott is the second lead as the priest who serves as the cross-country coach. I suppose the next film I should see is Run Fatboy Run.

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