Saturday, October 16, 2010

Goodnight and Good Luck

I'm in our hotel room, doing final preparations for the Grand Rapids Marathon tomorrow morning. A lot is going through my mind, and I recall a memory that has drifted in and out of mind during the last few months.

Approximately 15 years ago, during college, I was talking to a dormmate named Danny. He had come back from a run. He mentioned his plan to run the Chicago Marathon. Despite the fact that my Dad had run several marathons, I was in disbelief that anyone my age would have a similar interest or ability.

With conviction, he told me that I could do it too. As if it were irrefutable proof, he asked, "You can run a mile in 8:30, right?" Uncertain, but giving myself the benefit of the doubt, I replied that I could. As if a bright neon sign spelling Q.E.D. had suddenly lit our dim hallway, he resolutedly posed that I only had to do it 26 times. Forgetting the remaining 0.2 miles, I thought the prospect was impossible and laughed off the prospect. The topic never came up again.

Tomorrow, I may actually do it. My goal time is 3:45 (technically 8:35 per mile), and Jenn's is 4:00. While we won't be on the flat havens of Chicago, I hear that the Grand Rapids Marathon is a fast course. I had always figured that the goal time that Coach Aaron recommended would require perfect conditions. The weather will be excellent (high 58, low 42 with 12 mph winds), and except for some nagging injuries, I could not imagine better circumstances.

Goodnight and good luck.

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