Sunday, October 12, 2008

Dress Rehearsal: Chicago Marathon

It's time to say goodbye. We are in the final days until our Amsterdam Marathon. We could not leave without one last hurrah with our AIDS Marathon pace group, the Kathy Switzers (a.k.a Kathy Griffins. Our training schedule suggested that we run eight (8) miles this past weekend to stay loose before our marathon on October 19. As a result, we joined our pace group at mile eight (8) and ran a little past mile sixteen (16). We wandered over to Boystown in the morning to watch the "Elite Runners." (Do they really need a five-minute head start over the rest of the pack?)

Our friend, Jamie, joined us in Boystown and shot this picture. We waited anxiously as other runners started to pass, including our friends AC, Jason and Jess. The crowds continued to build. Eventually, our comrades came. We cheered in our AIDS Marathon yellow, and hopped onto the street. Despite the heat (reaching 80 degrees), we really had a great time, talking to the group, seeing the neighborhoods, and soaking up the spectator support and music. Approximately 1.5 million spectators watch the 45,000 registered runners every year. It was really exhilarating.

It was great spending the hour and a half with the group and they stuck together for the most part through the middle stages of the marathon. We only look slower than the "Elite Runners" here because we are all moving in a synchronized fashion, thus appearing very slow in relation to each other.

Anyway, we ran south to the Loop and passed beside my office building. The course turned to the west and we ran past the United Center and other parts never before seen. We eventually returned to the West Loop before the course turned south. We left the group and made our way to the finish to greet them in their victories. For any of you on Facebook, we have posted a complete collection of the photos of marathon leaders and our friends (leaders in their own way) including our experience during and after the Chicago Marathon.

It's been a while since the last post, but we thought we should say hello before we leave for Amsterdam tomorrow. Since then, we have continued the running, gone out of town and won a trial, keeping really busy. Based on this banner, we'll soon take our victory lap. We would not have been able to do this without our supporters like you. Please know that you deserve a victory lap too -- a little self-congratulation, an extra helping of dessert, or maybe the new Macbook Pro?

We're on our final countdown with four days to go and summon "Major Tom."

4 3 2 1
Earth below us,
drifting falling,
floating weightless,
calling calling home...
across the stratosphere
a final message "give my wife my love"

Thanks for the help on that too.

Distance: 8.5 miles
Start Time: 9:50 a.m.
Time: 1:33:07
Temperature at Start: 72 degrees
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Maximum HR: 164
Average HR: 150
Money Raised to Date: $8,631
Days until Race: 4

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